Yes, Spice is in fact illegal in Virginia. This is because Spice is a common drug. If caught with spice, you will face drug charges and possible jail time.
No. There are no illegal remants of spice. And when there was they take it out. Spice shows up on no test. You can always ask what they test for spice isnt one cause spice isnt illegal.
yes and no
as of 09/01/11 Spice is illegal to be sold in Texas......goodbye!
if spice was illegal they would not be allowed to sell it in headshops!
its illegal everywear in the united states, probly ain't that much of a issue tho if you get caught, you should just smoke weed its safer then spice, people have died from spice but its imposible to overdose on weed
No, It's legal as of now.
Absolutely not
no the synthetic canniboids in p.e.p spice will NOT show up on a drug test