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Yes according to FTSE, MSCI and Dow Jones.

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Q: Is south Africa an emerging market?
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What makes a market an emerging market?

What makes a market an emerging market is that it is faster becoming divers of global growth which does mean it includes Mexico, Argentina, Turkey, Poland, South Africa, and South Korea.

Poland Mexico and south Africa are examples of what?

Emerging democracies

Is South Africa a market or government economy?

South Africa has a market economy.

The type of economy in South Africa?


Is Zambia very similar to South Africa?

No, South Africa has more developed economic infrastructure that is on par with many 'emerging market' economies such as Brazil and Eastern European countries. The market capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is more than 10 times the market cap off all other exchanges in Africa put together. While Zambia has a high GDP growth rate, it's at least 50 years behind South Africa. Still, it may be easier to find unexploited opportunities in the relatively unexplored Zambian economy than the South African economy. Suffice to say South Africa has more areas with higher standards of living that are directly comparable to western countries.

Is the South African economy classified as a command or market economy?

yes, South Africa is a Pure market economy

What is an emerging market?

An emerging market is a new major player on the world's economic stage. Some new nations that are emerging include Vietnam and Nigeria.

Who is the current market leader in mobile banking in South Africa?

Who are the current market leaders in mobile banking

The association of China Brazil India Mexico and South Africa is known as?

The G-5 or the leading emerging economies in the mid-2000's.

What two countries referred as emerging market?

there are more then two countries referred as emerging market. there are four and these are; Brazil, Russia, India and China

Is South Africa a developing or developed country?

South Africa has a tier two economy. One part showing very strong traits of a developed region, but due to it's high unemployment and inequality it's officially classified as a developing or emerging economy.

Is Sri Lanka a emerging market?
