Yes. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth territory of the United Stats. Puerto Rico has been a U.S. territory since Spain ceded it to the United States in 1898 at the Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War.
Puerto Rico is part of the United States. They use the US dollar.
Puerto Rica has a special relationship with the United States: it is a territory of the United States, which means that Puerto Ricans has the priveliges of an American citizens while their island retains some independence. They are NOT a state.
puerto rico
Yes. Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States and subject to the same Federal laws as any other part of the United States.
No, Costa Rica is in no way apart of Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico is part of the United States, as a Commonwealth since 1952. Before Puerto Rico was a territory of the United States, since 1898, when it was transeferred to the United States from Spain, when the latter lost the Hispanic-American War. Being Puerto Rico, part United States, the US Army like other Armed Forces of the United States were in Puerto Rico during that period as they were in any of the States or territories of the United States. During that period the US Armed Forces were in different countries of the world, like England, Italy, France etc.
PR is the postal abbreviation for the state of Puerto Rico. However, it's important to note that Puerto Rico is not a U.S. state; it is an unincorporated territory of the United States
The United States acquired Puerto Rico in 1898 after the Spanish-American War as part of the Treaty of Paris.
The dollar. Puerto Rico is part of the United States
Puerto Rico is a developed country because it is part of the United States of America, a developed country. Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth and an unincorporated territory of the United States. The currency is USD and the citizens are United States citizens under the laws of the U.S A. While residing in Puerto Rico they cannot vote in U.S. presidential elections, however if they become residents of an US state, they can vote in all elections..
Puerto Rico has been part of the United States since 1898.
Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States. The elected Governor is the head of Puerto Rico, with the President of The United States being Chief of Sate. For further reading, try the links below.