Bangkok, Thailand.
In Malaysia there is no specific law mentioned about the legality of prostitution. However, it does not mean that prostitution is legal.
Yes, prostitution (the exchange of sex for money) is legal, but brothels are illegal, prostitution is not regulated
It is difficult to accurately determine which city has the highest prostitution rate as it is often a hidden and illegal activity. However, cities with large populations, high tourism rates, and economic disparities are more likely to have higher rates of prostitution.
Street prostitution is illegal in Nevada. Prostitution in Nevada is only legal at licensed brothels in counties that chose to allow it and have a population less than 400,000.
Prostitution per se is not illegal in Canada; soliciting is.
In the Philippines, Prostitution is Illegal. This means "Bar girls" must register and have health checks. Brothel Ownership is Illegal and Pimping is Illegal also.
Although prostitution is legal in some parts of Nevada, it is illegal in Reno, Nevada as of 2009. In the places where it is legal, it is only legal in established brothels, and street prostitution is illegal everywhere.
It shouldn't.
Prostitution is not illegal but brothels are.
Yes it is. See law below.