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I did a bit of research on this and it looks like it's illegal to have it connected up while driving. If it's disconnected it's not a problem. So basically no street racing. However if you are found in the possession of Nitrous Oxide without having the system set up in your car you can be fined for being in possession with intent to inhale which is a class 3 misdemeanor.

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Q: Is nitrous oxide in In a car illegal in Florida?
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Can you put nitrous oxide in a non turbo car?

yes, of course you can because turbo is driven from the exhaust and nitrous oxide forces air into the engine

Does boost help your car go faster?

No. It's just dectoration. But Nitrous Oxide(NOs or Nitrous) makes your car go faster.

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What is the formula to laughing gas?

Laughing gas when inhaled produces a ticklish sensation inside the mouth or nose and causes us to laugh. The term laughing gas, refers to nitrous oxide, for which the chemical formula is N2O.

What is a Nitrous Oxide System?

It's a kind of system that mixes the gasoline with Nitrous Oxide, which makes the gasoline burn faster, and the pistons pressed harder. So it makes the car go faster.

Can one fill their tires with nitrous oxide?

no... why would u want to? if u want ur car to go fas u have to have some special nitrous intake valve that directs the nitrous into the engine

What does NOS stand for with cars?

Nitrous Oxide And for the vintage car restorer that would be "New Old Stock".

What has the author Joe Pettitt written?

Joe Pettitt has written: 'How to design and install high performance car stereo' -- subject(s): Audio equipment, Automobiles, Electronic equipment, Stereophonic sound systems 'How to install nitrous oxide injection' -- subject(s): Fuel injection systems, Motors, Nitrous oxide, Racing Automobiles 'Sport Compact Nitrous Injection (S-A Design)' 'Nitrous Oxide Injection Guide' 'How to Design and Install High-Performance Car Stereo (revised) (S-A Design)'

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Using propane as a fuel additive can provide a small increase in horsepower, but it is not as effective as using nitrous oxide to significantly increase engine power. Propane can also be dangerous if not used correctly, as it may not provide the same controlled power boost as nitrous oxide. It is recommended to research and understand the potential risks and benefits before considering using propane as a performance upgrade for your car.

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Is it illegal to to have a car light on in Florida in the car?

YES it is you can get a ticket of 125 dollars

What is the formula laughing gas?

Laughing gas is also know as nitrous oxide, N2O. Also this is the nitro that makes your car go really fast.