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It can be, but it isn't necessarily.

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Q: Is motion a change of direction?
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What kind of motion does the speed and direction not change?

Acceleration in motion refers to a change in speed or direction of that object's motion. So a type of motion in which speed and direction do not change is a motion in which the acceleration is constant (i.e. unchanging).

Is velocity a change in an objects motion?

Velocity is a change in an object's motion OR direction of motion.

What must be changed in order to change the motion of an object?

To change the motion of an object, one must apply a force to it. The magnitude and direction of the force will determine how the motion changes. More force will cause a greater change in motion, and changing the direction of the force will also change the direction of motion.

What is a change in an object's motion called?

A change in an object's motion is called acceleration. This can refer to an increase or decrease in speed, or a change in direction.

What must be applied to an object to change its direction?

A force must be applied to an object in order to change its direction. By exerting a force at an angle to the object's initial direction of motion, the object will change its path and move in a different direction.

What is motion direction?

it is when you change directions.

What are the kinds of motion according to the change in direction and change in speed?

Motion can be classified into four types based on changes in direction and speed: Rectilinear motion: Motion along a straight line with constant speed. Uniform circular motion: Motion in a circular path at a constant speed. Accelerated motion: Motion with a change in speed but moving in a straight line. Curvilinear motion: Motion with changes in both speed and direction, following a curved path.

What changes in motion can result in a change in a change in velocity?

A change in velocity basically IS a change in motion.

Do objects in motion always change position and may change direction?

Objects in motion continuously change position.To change direction, a force needs to act upon them.

What changes in motion can result in a change in velocity?

Changes in speed, direction, or both can result in a change in velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and direction of an object's motion. So, any change in speed, direction, or both will result in a change in velocity.

How the equqtion of motion for an object moving with a uniform velocity change?

Any change in motion (direction or speed) is a change in velocity.Velocity is a vector quantity which means that it has a magnitude and a direction.

How force can change the direction of motion?

The answer is LOL