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More or less everywhere, women outlive men, so there will be more old women than men in Greece.

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Q: Is more more old women in Greece then men?
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Well, if you don't like women sexually at all you are gay, if you like both men and women sexual but men more you are Bisexual just with a male preference, no worries there is nothing bad or wrong about being ether gay or bisexual.

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no, absoluately no, old women are gental and mature. they have experience in dating, living evening having sex. Also, young men could learn lots of things from old women, they will love share thoughts with old women, and get inspiration from old women. they can be the best mach. go to "cougarconnecting" see more and date a young man

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Only the Citizens who are at least 18 years old may vote. That includes Jewish men and women who are citizens, Muslim men and women who are citizens, Christian men and women who are citizens, Druze men and women who are citizens, Arab/Palestinian men and women who are citizens, and any other men or women of any religion or national origin who are citizens. But the law is very restrictive ... they have to be 18 years old.

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