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Overall, Mexico is quite dangerous for American/European standards, but it is much safer than most of the third world. Also, crime is limited to regions that are ports of entry and distribution of drugs into the United States.

The best way to measure how dangerous a region is, is the homicide rate, or intentional homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. While the US has an overall rate of 3.9, Mexico has a rate of 15.7, which puts Mexico as safer than say, Brazil (24.6) or South Africa (33), but more dangerous that either Costa Rica (10) or Russia (9.5).

Even then, crime is not homogeneous. Some regions within Mexico are extremely dangerous, such as the southern state of Guerrero, with a homicide rate of 67; its most important city, the beachside resort of Acapulco, has a homicide rate of 104.73, setting this region as equally as dangerous as say, ISIS-infested countries.

On the other hand, there are places safer than most of the developing world, such as say, Aguascalientes or Yucatan (3 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants).

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Scarlett Bashirian

Lvl 10
3y ago
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13y ago

Mexico is not a safe place for children at all. I live in Mexico and I have to walk with my 13 year old daughter to school because I feel like she is not safe to be walking around without needing a guardian. I hope that you take the answer to concederation.

Thanks and I hope this answer answers your question!:)

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13y ago

As many countries around the world - including Europe or the United States - it has nice areas and troubled areas. Some are beautiful, secure and nice-going such as Cancun and Los Cabos whereas there are some places such as Juarez and Torreon which are ugly, unlivable and crime-ridden.

Mexico is a beautiful place. Dont be afraid you just have to watch what you eat! :)

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13y ago

Yes Mexico is a safe country. I am Canadian and travel to Mexico 3 or 4 times a year for a week or more.I have been on the pacific side and the Caribean .I rent a car and travel inland and explore as much of Mexico as I can. If you are in any way involved in Drugs or sex.You will have problems, not any different than any big city in Canada.If anyone cares to debate this .. go for it..In the meantime.. enjoy your time anywhere in Mexico..

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13y ago

The worst of Mexico is found along the border, on cities such as Tijuana, Juarez or Matamoros where poverty, crime and drug-related violence are an everyday issue.

Cities farther south are much safer, cheaper, with beautiful environments and friendlier people. For example, the state of Yucatan, where the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza are located, has a homicide rate of only 1.7 per 100,000 people, making such region much safer than Canada with a rate of 2.1 homicides per 100,000 people.

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11y ago

It depends on what "good" means to you. To visit? Undoubtedly, Mexico is one of the most popular destinations for international tourism, ranking as the 10th most visited country in the world. To live? Well, it will depend on where are you trying to live. There are rich cities and regions within Mexico with income, health and education equivalent to that of Western Europe while there are cities and regions so poor that have the same life quality of Haiti or the Sub-Saharian Africa.

Being an emerging market with a relatively healthy economy, Immigration has increased into Mexico, specially from troubled countries like Spain or Argentina -- which are supposedly more advanced and safer than Mexico. In fact, depending on your source, Mexico has progressed to such point, that Mexican immigration into the United States has stopped altogether, and even has been reversed at some degree.

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11y ago

It depends. There are regions "safer than Canada" such as Yucatan, where there are 1.7 murders per 100,000 inhabitants (versus Canada's 2.1 per 100,000). There are other places which are more dangerous than say, Iraq or Afghanistan. The most dangerous city in Mexico is Acapulco, with a murder rate of 112.8 -- still, it pales against other cities, such as San Pedro Sula in Honduras, with a murder rate of 187.14. In general terms however, Mexico is much safer than many countries which are supposedly safer. Some examples are provided (2013):

  • Honduras: 91.6
  • Jamaica: 40.9
  • Bahamas: 36.6
  • South Africa 31.8
  • Puerto Rico: 26.2
  • Mexico (overall): 23.7 murders per 100,000

And yes, that is the US territory of Puerto Rico, which is more dangerous than Mexico.

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14y ago

Of course. It has something for everybody: history, art, culture, beautiful beaches, ancient ruins, vibrant nightlife or relaxing spa's.

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9y ago

Living conditions are not very high, funds and famine are major issues. There is a lot of pollution in mexico because of the population.

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