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no i don't think it is

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Q: Is japan a culturally homogeneous state?
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What is culturally-diverse?

it is the state of having a variety of cultures in the same area.

What was one nation that practiced homogeneous society?

Japan is an example of a nation that has historically practiced a homogeneous society, with a largely homogenous population in terms of ethnicity, culture, and religion. This has shaped various aspects of Japanese society and culture.

How were japan and china culturally different at the end of the century?

Japan opened its society and culture to Western influences, while China continued to resist any outside influence on its customs and beliefs.

On what basis is Japan considered a homogeneous country?

Japan is considered a homogenous country because they do not focus on ethnic groups. The country also has homogenous facilities such as hospitals and schools to make sure that everyone has access to the same quality of schooling and health care.

What state is Japan in?

Japan is in Asia, which is not a state, it's a geography.