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Generally, yes.

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Q: Is it true that if you spit in antarctica that it will freeze in mid air?
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In the early days of flying why was it so dangerous to fly to Antarctica?

It was true then, and it is true now: since hydraulics and jet fuel can freeze, air transport to and from the Antarctic continent is dangerous, unpredictable and best executed during open windows of no blizzards at the Antarctic location.

If Any Food Was Left Outside In Antarctica Would It Stay Cold Or Thaw Out?

Antarctica is a polar environment and is the coldest continent on earth. During any part of the year, a half cup of boiling water thrown into the air will freeze instantly into 'diamond dust': anything left outside would freeze. Even under 24-hour summer sun, chances of thawing out food out-of-doors in Antarctica are slim to none.

What is one source region of a maritime polar air masses?


What vehicles can you travel in to get to antarctica?

You travel to Antarctica by air or by ship.

How would you correct the following sentence so that the intended meaning of the modifier is clear Hurtling through the air Christopher saw several spit wads?

Hurtling through the air, Christopher saw several spit wads, would make it clear that the modifier "hurtling through the air" is describing Christopher's action of moving quickly rather than the spit wads flying through the air.

Why is the air less pollution in antarctica?

The air in Antarctica is less poluted because there arn't cities and cars and things that pollute the air.

Why is Antarctica's cold climate responsible for its low yearly precipitation?

Antarctica's lack of humidity and precipitation is caused by the lack of moisture, not necessarily by cold. It is true, however, that cold air holds less moisture due to it having a lower saturation point than warm air.

How do you get your nike air max shoes to not smudge?

Spit on it

How do you make a air hockey puck go faster?

Spit on it.

How do waterfalls freeze?

if the air gets cold enough it can freeze water.

Why did flights to Antarctica stop for a period?

There are no commercial flights to anywhere on the Antarctic continent. Logistical air supply flights are not viable during the dark winter months, because hydraulics and fuel freeze at extreme low temperatures.

Can you freeze fire?

Fire needs air to burn. It is impossible to freeze fire!