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Can we feed the homeless in Dubai

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Sheriff Jadama

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Q: Is it illegal to homeless in Dubai?
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Is it illegal to pretend to be homeless?

It isn't illegal unless you are pretending to be homeless to either harrass someone or for illegal purposes. eg. Nobody would expect a homeless to be carrying a secret supply of and illegal drug...

Is it illegal to steal crack from homeless people?

no way

Is gambling legal in Dubai?

Because gambling is illegal in Dubai, there are no casinos there. There are many other things to do there though.

Where can you get mifeprex in Dubai?

Nowhere. Its illegal to abort in UAE. How can you be thinking of this?

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Can you move to another state to a homeless shelter?

no you cannot that would be illegal

Is it illegal for students to skip school?

obviously. why do you think people are homeless?

What is the sentence for possession of illegal drugs in Dubai?

In the emirate of Dubai the sentence is 25 years to life, in other emirates it carries the death penalty

Will you be safe in Dubai as a gay man?

In Dubai, you will be safe as long as you don't tell anyone or do anything illegal, including same-sex relations.

What was the first recorded case of discrimination against the homeless?

No one "records" such incidents, since it is not illegal.

I was tricked into an illegal marriage what can I do I am a homeless mother I honestly didn't know it was illegal to marry somebody so they can become a citizen in exchange for financial help?

If you were tricked into an illegal marriage, simply accept the situation and move on.

Is total drama island illegal in Dubai?

likely. did you know sauskes last name is sauske in japenese lol