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The Migratory Bird Convention Treaty signed between Canada and the USA about 100 years ago was one of the first internation wildlife treaties. The Treaty was placed into law in Canada with the Migratory Bird Convention Act. The Act makes it illegal to destroy or disturb an "nest" of a listed migratory bird (primarily insectivorous Songbirds and waterbirds). This has been generally interpeted to mean an active nest (generally April 15 to July 31 of each year) or the nest of a nesting colony (protected year-round).

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Q: Is it illegal to destroy a migratory bird nest?
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When can you destroy a mockingbird nest?

It is illegal to destroy a mockingbird nest that is active or has eggs or nestlings in it, as they are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. You may only remove a mockingbird nest if it is abandoned and no longer in use.

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The Migratory Bird Act makes it illegal to disturb the nest of any native bird without a permit. The Migratory Bird Act also makes it illegal to kill native birds, destroy native bird eggs and trap native birds. Check with your local wildlife service to see if bluebirds are native to your area. If they are native in your area it is illegal to "get rid of it". Try to enjoy the bird and be glad house sparrows aren't killing it.

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Before I tell you the answer, let me just say that there are laws prohibiting any disturbance of a migratory bird's nest and there are fines and penalties for doing so. That said, they should only be moved if absolutely necessary and only if the only other option is the destruction of the nest. Yes, it is possible, but it has to be done very, very carefully or the bird may abandon the nest.

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A bird's nest is called a "nest."

Can you move a bluebird house with eggs in it?

Legally the only way you can move a sparrow nest is if it is a house sparrow nest. These are not native to the US and are considered an invasive species. If it is not a house sparrow no you can't move it. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal. See the related link below for more information.

What is the Hebrew word for bird's nest?

bird's nest = ken (קן)

What to do with a bird nest?

Leave it alone. First of all, it is illegal under the Migratory Bird Act, it is illegal to disturb the nests of native birds (although, if is in the way of something, I doubt they will care if you move it a few feet after the birds have left). Second of all, for your own health. Birds have many lovely parasites that can take up residence in their nests - ticks, lice, etc. They can also carry diseases that you really don't want to get. Third, nature will do her thing. Most likely, within a few months the elements will have either blown the nest away in its entirety, or will have destroyed most of it.

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When bird find mate they will build a nest

Is bird nest fern alive?

Yes,bird nest fern is alive.

Can you move a mockingbird nest?

No, they have no way to transport them, even if they wanted to. The young will follow the parents around for a week or two after the fledge, begging food til they learn to catch it themselves.