it is not a central asian country, it is a south asian country.
Central asian countries are countries which was earlier part of the Soviet Union. Tajikisthan, Turkmenistan, Khazikistan etc are central asian countries...
No, India is the part of Southern Asia.
The Philippines is The Philippines is the gateway of asia because of its central location in the southeast. the gateway of asia because of its central location in the southeast.
Central Asia, South East Asia, and the India sub-content.
Part of Asia obviusly but still not listed as APAC, need to know why?
India is part of the continent of Asia.
Japan is not part of Asia Pacific. As for Asia, it depends. Japan is NOT part of Asia according to some Japanese. Japan is separated from Asian continent by water, and some Japanese believe it's not part of Asia. They would say something like: "We are building new factories in Asia". In Japan, the phrase would explicitly mean "We are building new factories in Asia, but outside of Japan". Asian is translated to ajia-jin in Japanese, but when they say ajia-jin, it usually excludes Japanese. It's somewhat analogous to the fact that some British believe UK is not part of Europe. In the Western literature, Japan is almost always part of Asia.
India lies in the southern part of Asia.
Yes, India is in fact a part of Asia. The current population in India is a staggering 1,205,073,612 people. India's overall area is about 3,287,263 km.
China is a part of central Asia.
Indian Ocean is under India.. Pacific Ocean is on the other side of Indonesia, under the more eastern part of Asia
India is not a part of the Orient. Both areas are a part of Asia but India is located in southeast Asia.
India is not a continent. India is part of Asia.