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i think not. principal crops in Bolivia are mainly coca, potatoes soyabean

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Q: Is guava grown in Bolivia
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Fruits such as avocado, pineapple, papaya, and guava are foods that are grown in South America. Corn is also grown in South America.

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Bolivia, Peru, colombia, Venezuela and Asia

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Cocaine mostly grown in the countries of Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador

What band has guava an its name?

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Quinoa originated in the Andean region of Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru.

What part of speech is guava?

The word guava is a noun. A guava is a yellow tropical fruit.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of guava?

Guava has no advantages or disadvantages. It is a plant that can be grown in tropical climates. In various regions, cultivation of guava might have some advantage or disadvantage compared to other agricultural crops. A drawback to its growing is that even mild freezing temperatures can affect the plants. It is, however, adaptable to indoor growing in small numbers.

Types of crops grown in Bolivia South America?

potato Pies strawberries fish eggs lettuce Trees

Do guava have flowers?

Guava is a very important fruit. Guava does have flowers,guava is very useful to us you can make guava juice if you are sick and drink. Guava is one of the main fruit ever in the islands especially in the islands.