Gratuity is supposed to be paid by the employer and should not come under the cost to company. The reasons are if Gratuity is added to the CTC, then the same should be paid to the individual during his seperation. Gratuity should normally be mentioned seperately on the offer letter. Regards, Sriram Send your replies to
Normally it depends on traffic, but as distance of 164 Miles for Austin to Houston Texas, then it would cost around 461$ excluding gratuity.
if it comes out it will cost under 200 but it hasn't come out yet
CTC -> Cost To Company. It means your pay package/monthly salary, which the company has to shell out every month for you. Current CTC - The salary that you receive currently/presently Expected CTC- Salary that you expect from the company that you are applying to.
No, it is not. cost per 1000 relates to one product that is produced by one company. The item comes in at a cost of so much per 1000 units. If you went to several different suppliers of the same item and got each company's cost per 1000, then you could calculate the mean, or average cost.
If you have insurance the insurance company covers it if you do not the cost comes out of your pocket
Cost to company means the salary you paid by the particular company.
Frigidaire is the leading company when it comes to making refridgerators of high quality that are still affordable.
ctc = cost to company ectc = expected cost to company np = notice period
Purchase cost is the cost of inventory in case of manufacturing company and cost or goods for resale purpose in case of merchandising company.
The Total Cost to Company refers to an employee's salary package. It is the total cost a company or organization is spending for an employee and it includes salary and perks.
Cost sheet of a company has expenses recorded in them. They mainly maybe short term cost's and long term cost's.
It expands to Cost To Company. It is that cost incurred by the company in employing someone. Contrary to what people think, an organization spends more amount than what consitutes a persons regular take home salary/benefit/perquisites. Apart from the visible components of income like Basic Salary, DA, HRA, TA etc etc, the CTC also includes company's share of Superannuation fund, Provident fund, Gratuity, Car maintenance/fiance charges etc. soft loans/interest free loans, leave with pay for education, stock options, medical insurance and so on.