Katherin Paterson is still alive and is now 77 years old
Robert Paterson from twilight is not dead, he's still alive Dors x
I'm not sure
Grace in 1904 and Hugh in 1906
Yes he did. Grace (born in 1904) and Hugh (born in 1906).
No, Alice Emily Walker did not get married to Banjo Paterson. Banjo Paterson married Alice's sister, Grace "Bessie" Walker.
Clarissa Dickson-Wright Jennifer Paterson
Yes, all of the band members of Three Days Grace are alive as of 2010.
Yes, she is still living, has four kids and seven grandchildren.
Grace Bradford has written: 'Scriptures Come Alive'
No she is alive.
Yes..He had 6 brothers and sisters.Their names were:Paterson, Rose FlorencePaterson, Emily JessiePaterson, Mary EdithPaterson, Hamilton HowisonPaterson, Grace SterlingPaterson, Gwendolen Alexa