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Gaea is not a goddess or a Titan in Greek Mythology. She is said to be the Earth and the spouse to the Sky named Ouranos. She is related to Titans and the Olympians, though. In Greek Mythology, she was the mother of the Titans and the grandmother of the Olympians, or the Greek gods and goddesses.

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Q: Is gaea a goddess
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What is gaea the greek goddess roman name?

The Greek goddess Gaea was identified with the Roman goddess Terra.

Gaea was the god of what?

Gaea was the Greek goddess of the earth and was married to Uranus.

What were gaea's responsibilities?

Gaea is the goddess of the earth, the earth and itself is of her nature.

Is greek god gaea a man?

No; Gaea is the feminine goddess of the Earth.

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No, Gaea is. Hestia is the Goddess of the Hearth.

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Gaea's weakness is having no water

Who was the Greek earth goddess?

Gaia (Gaea)

Is Gaea a god or goddess?

technically she is a Titaness

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Who was Gaea and why was she important?

In Greek mythology, Gaea was the Earth goddess, the personification of the planet Earth as a goddess. Today, this is often used as a metaphor for the global ecosystem.

Which god is married to gaea a goddess?

Gaea is mother earth,shes married to the the sky god

What is the name of the Greek goddess of the earth?

Gaea was the goddess of the Earth in Greek Mythology