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euthanasia should be allowed because ive seen people suffer and it is not a nice thing to see

I believe euthanasia should be legal for a different reason. It's true that it's not nice. But that's a little vague, don't you think?

If someone wants to die for a good reason, let them die! Does putting someone out of their misery make us bad people? HELL NO! If anything, it makes us good people.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It depends on the legal system. Other countries have decided it is legal, others that it is illegal. There is also a great theoritical controversy over the matter. Others claim that it is someones right to do what he/she wants, while the other side claims that the gift of human life is something you cannot deny even for yourself.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes, it is illegal in the UK but there is debate on weather it should be legalized.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The bringing on of a gentle and easy death.

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Q: Is euthanasia illegal in Great Britain?
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No, euthanasia is illegal in Greece.

Did legalise the euthanasia Sweden?

Euthanasia is illegal in Sweden.

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Euthanasia is illegal in the United States.

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No. It is considered illegal.

Is euthanasia illegal in the US?

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You are most unlikely to get accurate figures as euthanasia is illegal in most countries.

If human euthanasia is illegal then why is animal euthanasia legal?

Animals do not have the same legal rights as humans.

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In Britain it is illegal to breed animals solely or primarily for their fur. Cause great cruelty to the rabbits and that it is ethically wrong to kill.

What is the opinion in Slovakia about euthanasia?

It´s illegal here.

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When was euthanasia started?

* Euthanasia the modern voluntary movement started in Britain in 1935 and in 1980 in the U.S. and Canada.

Is euthanasia legal in the US -- most specifically in Ohio?

Euthanasia is Illegal in most US States, including Idaho.