In Australia, as, I believe in the USA, euthanasia is illegal, therefore it is highly unlikely that any insurance company would cover it. If you are talking about Life insurance, then most, if not all, have specific clauses that rule out suicide (because that is what euthanasia is) as a form of death which they will reimburse for - many people think they will leave their family better off if they die and the family can claim thousands in insurance, and the insurance companies do not like paying out big sums of money. If you are talking about health insurance - Medicare etc - then I suspect that the answer will be No, also, unless it is something that just happened, because a kindly nurse or doctor assisted and did not tell anybody. So, I guess that is the answer, if nobody knows about it, except the person who assisted, then, yeah, I guess it might be covered, if anybody else knows about it, then the answer is NO.
Whether lost cash is covered by insurance depends onwhether the insurance policy either says it covered, or says it is not covered.
Retinol is covered by health insurance.
Autopsies are not normally covered by insurance companies or Medicare
Yes a RIFLE can be covered under insurance
"Normally the entire engine, not the transmission is covered with motor breakdown insurance. The extent of your motor breakdown insurance will determine what is covered and what is not."
Some prenatal surgeries may not be covered by insurance.
You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.
If you have insurance on a car anyone who you give permission to drive the vehicle is covered under your insurance. This is normally covered when insurance companies ask if there will be any other drivers for the vehicle.
Windstorm related losses are covered by Texas Windstorm Insurance
The primary insurance holder is obviously covered alongside their spouse and children too if they were included in the insurance plan.
Theft will be covered by most auto insurance policies as long as you have full coverage insurance. It will not be covered if you only have liability or basic coverage.
Dentures are something that is generally covered under your Health Insurance policy.