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Q: Is colored hair allowed in schools in Texas?
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Is Aussie conditioner good for colored hair?

Aussie is excelent for colored hair!

What are some laser hair removal schools in Houston?

One of the most popular laser hair removal schools in Houston is the Texas School of Laser Therapy. The school is located at 17043 El Camino Real, Houston, TX 77508.

What happens if you use shampoo for colored hair on non colored hair?

Nothing will happen. You'll just have nice, clean hair.

Do Japanese girls have hair requirements in school?

In my schools in Japan, girls are not allowed to dye their hair. This goes for guys too. Beyond that there are rarely any requirements such as length or style.

Which hair straightener is best for colored hair?

The Sedu hair straightener works well for colored hair, and is able to withstand heat and light for a long time.

How does Austin Mahone do his hair?

he colored her hair in blended

Can hair bleach lighten colored hair?


Are you allowed to were you'r hair down in upper school?

Your not allowed 2 in my school yr allowed 2 hav ur hair in a half pony tail but not fully down, although some teachers do let me it just depends? In some schools ur allowed to have ur head down! I dont C why u cant tho? Hope this helped:D XOXO

Does your height depend on the color of you hair?

No, hair loses a material that makes hair colored

Should hair dying be allowed in schools?

of course it should be allowed to express themselves anyway they'd like to...that includes wearing what they want and dying their hair any color they choose...those school principals and teachers need to realize that the color of someones hair doesn't affect their earning capabilities..

What is Grayson's hair color?

Light/Dark Brown colored hair.

What is zendayas hair color?

Zendaya ,or Zendaya Coleman, has chestnut colored hair