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Baklava is sold in ashgabat, turkmenistan.

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Q: Is baklava a turkmenistan dessert
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Where is the Baklava Desert in Greece?

Baklava is a deSSert (you eat it) in greece. There are no deSerts in greece. People often confuse dessert and desert.

Why did Greeks eat Baklava?

The Greeks ate Baklava because it was a tasty dessert.

Which country is famous for its dessert baklava?

In Turkey.

What is the national dessert of Turkey?

Turkey have got a lot of dessert but your answer is BAKLAVA I think:)

What is a famous Turkish dessert called?

Turkish Delight, Baklava

Is baklava a dessert?

Yes. Its a Greek pastry made with nuts & honey and its scrumptious!

What are some traditions in Turkey?

I love Kebab and Lahmacun ^^ And baklava is a very delicious dessert :)

When in Greece do they eat baklava?

It's a dessert that originated in Greece. So probably no.

What is baklava?

It is a Turkish dessert made with paper-thin layers of pastry, chopped nuts, and honey or syrup.

What is baklava made of?

Baklava is a sweet dessert made of layers of filo pastry, nuts (often pistachios or walnuts), and a sweet syrup made of sugar, water, and often flavored with lemon juice or rose water.

What country in middle east has no dessert?

Turkey is famous for its many desserts, especially baklava and loukoumi (Turkish Delight). Pretty much every country has a form of dessert, even if they just eat fruit after a meal.

Where does baklava originate?

It is eaten in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Palestine...the Middle east really but its actually a Lebanese sweet made from lots of layers of filo pastry and loads of syrup and nuts. Try to make it sometime.