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Yes, it's considered an unexcused absence under state regulation.

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Q: Is a student considered absent from school by the New York State Education Department on bring your child to work day?
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Can students hire subsitutes if the student is absent?

A student cannot hire a substitute when another is absent. You will have to leave this up too an adult.

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What actors and actresses appeared in Absent - 2007?

The cast of Absent - 2007 includes: Brenda Banda as Mother Marissa Berber as Student Ian Clay as Mr. Sewall Julio Dominguez as Oscar Justin Dorado as Student Binh Huynh as Brandon Steven Iem as Student Lu Johnson as Don Adrian Lascano as Student Jonathan Molina as Student Danielle Vargas as Student Jisel Vasquez as Student

Can you give me sentence for the word student?

one of my teachers students was absent today The student who wrote the above answer gets detention forever!

Do public schools get paid for an absent student?

In most cases, public schools do not receive funding for students who are absent. Funding is typically based on student attendance, so schools may lose out on funding if students are consistently absent. However, there are some cases where schools may still receive funding for students who are absent due to medical reasons or other excused absences.

What is the meaning of student absenteeism?

Why? Are you thinking of dropping out? Don't! You won't get a very good job, or education. NO one will want to hire a "drop-out". I highly suggest you do not drop out of school. You might think it's cool, but it's not. It's stupid, so tell your friends to Stay in school!I personally hate school, but heck I'm staying in it as long as I can!

Why is it not okay to talk about a student while a student is absent?

Because its the same thing as talking behind their back. Plus it may spread bad rumors that could cause drama

Why do student get tardiness absent cut classes and bored when the subject is mathematics?

It seems that some students don't like mathematics.

Can an absent father who does not pay child support be traced?

Yes social security can track him down through the tax department.

What are the factors that cause a student to absent?

Factors that can cause a student to be absent from school include illness, family responsibilities, transportation issues, mental health issues, lack of engagement, and social problems such as bullying. Other factors can include lack of motivation, disinterest in school, and academic struggles. Addressing these factors can help reduce absenteeism and improve student attendance.

What type of student was Laura Ingalls Wilder?

Laura was always at the top of her class, even when she had been absent teaching in another school.

What is the definition of unlawful detention on a schools attendance records mean?

Unlawful detention in a school attendance context is when a student is absent from the school with the knowledge and/or consent of his or her parent or guardian for reasons not considered legal by the school, district or other administrative or governing body. It is in effect an unexcused absence.