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Q: Is a russian astronaut called a cosmonaut or an argonaut?
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What are astronauts called in Russia?


A Russian astronaut is called what?

Cosmonaut is the conventional English term for a Russian astronaut, but the terms astronaut and cosmonaut are considered interchangeable. Cosmonaut derives from the Greek for universe + sailor.The Soviet [Russian] cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin has the distinction of having been the first human in space and the first to orbit, orbiting the Earth in 1961.

What is a Russian space traveler called?

A Russian space traveler is called a cosmonaut.

A person who goes into space is called?

Anyone who goes into space is called an Astronaut, or Cosmonaut.

What is the them for the rocket man?

A person who goes into space is called an astronaut by the US and a Cosmonaut by the Russians.

A what is a person from Russia who explores space?

A person from Russia who explores space is called a cosmonaut. Cosmonauts are trained astronauts who are part of the Russian space program and conduct missions to outer space.

What do Russians call their astronauhts?

A Russian "cosmonaut" is called космонавт .

A soviet spaceman is called a?


How was the first person out in to space?

It was a man called Yuri Gagarin, he was sent out by the USSR which was from russia, he lived in russia but actually when to china to take off, he was not an astronaut he was a comonaut, a cosmonaut is a an astronaut which is from russia sorry if ive gone on too much about this subject

What does it mean if you're called an Argonaut?

An Argonaut was a crew member of the ship The Argo, which Jason used in his quest for the Golden Fleece.

What is a travler in space called?

Depending where that space traveler comes from they are called different things. Americans are called astronauts Russians are called cosmonauts Europeans are sometimes called spatianaut and the Chinese are called in the media Taikonauts. Usually other countries use the term astronaut. astronaut refers to the Latin word astro for star and naut, as in sailor or voyager, therefor an astronaut is a voyager of the star. where as a cosmonaut is Latin for universe, voyager of the universe.

How is an astronaut better known in the Russian Federation?

The term cosmonaut is simply what the Russians call what we call Astronauts, people that are in space.From Wikipedia: The word is an anglicisation of the Russian word kosmonavt (Russian: космона́вт Russian pronunciation: [kəsmɐˈnaft]), which in turn derives from the Greek words kosmos (κόσμος), meaning "universe", and nautes(ναύτης), meaning "sailor".