No a male horse is called a stallion or a gelding if it has been castrated.
horse horse
Referring to a male goat as a buck is an old tradition and is derived from calling most cloven hooved horned/antlered male animals a "buck". In the United States, a male goat is generally referred to as a "Billy Goat".
A male deer is called a stag, hart or buck
A male pronghorn is called a buck.
Male rabbits are called bucks.A male rabbit is called a buckIt has the same masculine name as the deer!A buck.A male rabbit is called a buck or a jack.
A hare is Another species. Similar but not the same. A male rabbit is a buck.
The intact male Rabbit is called a Buck.
male= buck female=doe baby=fawn
A male rabbit is commonly called a buck.
An entire male goat is called a buck. A castrated male goat is called a wether.