Fake coach bags are sometimes hard to tell from the originals. Fake coach bags tend to be cheaper than the real ones, and they are less sturdy. If you want to be sure, buy a bag from a trusted retailer or buy the bag online from the coach website.
There are several ways that you can tell. Make sure that the Coach logo on the outside is centered and that each C is a mirror image, The dustbag should be chocolate brown and have the Coach Ext. 1941 written on it, The zipper should say that it is a YKK zipper, The stitching should be double stitched and of high quality, and there is a serial number in the bag that should look neatly made and be written in English and that would be verifiable on the Coach toll free customer service line.
coach bag 138
Most likely a zipper bag. Containers that are air tight will alow your food not to spoil for a long time!
There is no real value of a coach bag with that id number. Any coach bag with that number is fake.
Coach Hampton appears to be a brand from Coach, Inc, which is a luxury leather goods company. There are thus many types of bags such as a purse, shoulder bag, etc. They are all made of leather.
The 'Le Pilage Tote Bag does not have more than one zipper compartment inside.
coach is made in china. i know its weird. i just got a new coach bag and looked inside and it said made in china. i was suprisied i thought they were manufactured in the U.S.
My coach bag tells me on the leather label inside the bag that it is "handcrafted in China". This also has an ID number on it. I know this is an authentic bag because I bought it from a Coach store.
This has to do with an old bag which was given to me. And I do not wish to damage the bag because when I try to free up the zipper, it is so difficult as the zipper slide has rusted. I am trying with soap before I end up at the bag repair shop.
Is coach bag MO4K-5659 authentic