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Depends on the definition of "decent college". There are also many other factors to consider. Extra curriculars, leadership roles, important achievements, SAT, SAT II to name a few. But soley based on GPA, i would say that a college like binghamton or stonybrook (SUNY) might accept you.

A lot of state collage will accept you i had 2.2 and went to ASU best years of my life and now i m making 100000$ year and doing the job i always wanted . I had bad grades and bad ast but I worked my self up in 6 years.

I worked in company right after collage because i knew a friend there and i worked my self from bottom. I doesn't depend on collage so much but on your skills .

My friend had 2.5 GPA and got Berkley because he had leadership extra stuff and mensa mebership(IQ above 141). point is to say in you application why u have bad grades and imprese them with something. U were slacking in high school if u want decent collage u need to start working and your gona make it!

PS:(send your application to as many collages you can)

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Q: Is a 2.5 GPA good enough to get into a decent college?
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That you are not getting into a decent College.

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Law schools are not concerned with your Grade 8 GPA. They want to see your college GPA.

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A 3.06 is a decent GPA if you are coming from a private school with a reputation for making students work hard. If you are trying to get into a good college, try to get a 3.5 or higher.

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yes, anything over a 3.0 is good in college. 3.3 is solid (it's a B+ average), but above a 3.5 is excellent.

Is 69.6471 a bad GPA score?

It may or may not be. It is a C- and may not be good enough to get into a good college.

Is completing high school important for going to college?

of course it is you probably wont get into any decent college if you don't complete college with at least a 2.5 GPA

Is .302 GPA good?

A good GPA will depend on the college that you are looking to get into. An average GPA is considered anywhere between 3.0-4.0.


Not enough information to determine. The number of credits associated with each GPA is going to be a large factor.

Colleges that accept 2.5 or below GPA's?

Most colleges will not accept lower GPA's, except for community colleges and low-rate. Colleges. You need to keep looking for a decent college or raise your GPA.

Is a 4.5 GPA good enough to go to a good school and the an IVY for graduate school?

A 4.5 GPA is good enough to graduate and go to an IVY graduate school.

What percent of college graduates have a 4.0?

0% in USA, because kids in USA are very dumb and stupid. 2.0 GPA is good enough for them.

Is 3.49 GPA good enough for George Mason university?

at least a 2.75 but it all depends on your act/sat score and extra curriculars as well