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Zeus was the KING of the Gods.

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Q: Is Zeus a major or minor god?
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Why did Zeus place ursa major and ursa minor in the heavens?

Zeus placed Ursa Major and Ursa Minor in the heavens to honor Callisto and her son Arcas, who were turned into bears by Zeus's wife, Hera. To protect them from harm, Zeus placed them in the sky as constellations where they could be forever safe from Hera's wrath.

Did God treat the minor prophets the same as the major prophets or differently?

God treated them equally , they are called major and minor prophets according to their books.

Is Hercule's a titan or god?

He is a God since Zeus is his Father and Hera is his mother. But his mother hates him because she is jealous of Zeus's affairs and succes. Actually he was born a demi-god because Zeus was his father and his mother was mortal but when he died his father brought him to Olympus and made him a minor God.

What is Zeus' role in Oedipus Rex?

Zeus does not play much of a role. Instead, the Greek god Apollo, god of light, plays the major role.

What are Zeus' 2 major functions?

God of the sky and King of the Gods

Is Hera a major god?

most definetly not the major 3 gods are poseidon, hades, and zeus

Is Maya the Hindu god a minor or a major god?

Maya is not a god! there is only one God, the God of the Bible.

Who was the major god or gods?

Zeus was the god of the lightning. Poseidon was the god of the oceans/sea. Also, there was Athena who was goddess of wisdom and the god of delivering

Did the Greeks or the Romans have a snake god?

they probably did but it is not in the major gods it is a minor god if there is one

Was Zeus a god the Hopis believed in?

No. The Hopis major deity is Tawa, the sun spirit.

Was Hera a minor goddess?

No, Hera was the most major goddess of all, the wife of Zeus.

Does pan have powers?

Pan is a minor god, so not overly powerful like Zeus or Poseidon, but with his panpipes, he can control nature.