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Vermont is a state in the US.

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Vermont is a State.

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Q: Is Vermont a state or city?
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What is the state with the capital of Vermont?

The capital of the state of Vermont is Montpelier. Montpelier is located in Washington County, and has a population of approximately 7,755. By population, it is the smallest state capital in the United States. Montpelier is the capital city in the U.S. state of Vermont.

What city is the Vermont state capital in?

Montpelier is the capital city of Vermont.

Is Vermont a city state or country?

Vermont is a state within the US.

What is vermont the capital of?

Vermont is a U.S, state. Montpelier is the capital city in the U.S. state of Vermont.

What does it mean the capital of vermont?

The capital of Vermont means the state's capital city where the state's government is located. Montpelier is the capital city in the U.S. state of Vermont.

Is burlington a state capital?

Burlington is a city in Vermont. It is not the state capital. Montpelier is the capital city of Vermont.

What is the capital and statehood of vermont?

Montpelier is the capital city in the U.S. state of Vermont. Vermont became the 14th state in the Union on February 18, 1791.

What is the queen city of Vermont?

Burlington , Vermont. Largest city in State. Burlington and Rutland are the only above 15,000 in Vermont.

What is the Vermont state capital name?

Montpelier is the capital city in Vermont.

Is montpeiler the capital of Vermont?

Montpelier is the capital city in the U.S. state of Vermont.

Is montipelir the capital of vermont?

Montpelier is the capital city in the U.S. state of Vermont.

Is Navada the capital of Vermont?

Montpelier is the capital city in the U.S. state of Vermont.