What country is Utah in?? What country is Utah in??
No. Utah is a state in the United States of America.
No, Utah is not a country. It is a state located in the United States. Utah is landlocked, meaning it does not have any coastlines or borders with oceans or seas.
Check with the state of Utah; each state is much like a foreign country...they have DIFFERENT LAWS!
They had a war i guess then won it then got the country?.
The United States Constitution applies to every state in the country. It is the framework for the federal government and embodies the fundamental laws and principles of the United States. It is the supreme law of the land.The Utah Constitution is the set of fundamental principles by which the State of Utah is governed. The Utah Constitution applies to the State of Utah only.
10% of the population regardless of the state or country.
Utah It is a landlocked state
Utah is a state IN the western part of the COUNTRY called United States of America (the USA). It cannot therfore contain COUNTRIES.
Dixie State College of Utah is located in the state of Utah.
Utah is landlocked. Alaska and Massachusetts border an ocean.