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Actually Camry in Europe is better then in US. European Camry is more expensive and sells in US as Lexus. 2012 Camry that sells in US is ugly.

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Q: Is Toyota Camry US better than Toyota Camry japan?
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How reliable are Toyota Camry cars?

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How much does a 2012 Camry cost?

Well, since it is older than the 2014 Toyota Camry.. $21,955

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Japan ETF is Exchange Trade Funds. This is stocks that are from companies that are located in Japan. For example stock in Toyota that is in the Japan version of the company could do better than the US version.

What size is a spare tire on a 1999 Toyota Camry?

The standard spare tire size, for a 1999 Toyota Camry, is 135 R55 15. The spare tire size is smaller than the standard tire size.

Is it generally high to maintain a 2001 Toyota Avalon compared to 2003 Camry?

The maintenance costs should be practically the same as the V6 Camry, but will be a little more expensive than a 4Cyl Camry.

Will a Toyota Camry motor fit in a Toyota pickup?

depends on generation i guess. if there was ever a rear wheel drive Camry produced than it might be possible to do the swap. consider it impossible unless you are extremely mechanical and modivated

What would prevent the engine from crankingturning over on a 2003 Toyota Camry ALT and ETCS fuses were blown and replaced power was connected backwards when attempting to jumpstart vehicle?

buy another car you loser i have a Z06 corvette and runs faster than your stupid 2003 Toyota Camry buy another car you loser i have a Z06 corvette and runs faster than your stupid 2003 Toyota Camry

How much money does a Toyota Camry cost?

23,000 Dollars but $965 less than the 2011 model !

What is better a Toyota o Ford?

Toyota, foreign cars in my opinion are better than American. Foreign cars last longer and American breaks down alot. My dad has a 2003 Toyota Camry with 290,000 miles on it. He has not had to repair or fix anything, except the oil of course. They are more dependable. My family member had a ford, a month later the radiator went out. And it was a 2006. So go with the Toyota. :D