Online schools have to be accredited in order to be recognized and Stenford looks like an accredited online school offering high school diploma programs.
Yes, there is an accredited online school to receive a IT degree. The best school for this degree is on
Nation High School is a fully recognized and accredited high school. It is accredited by two reputable accreditation agencies for its online high school diploma programInternational Online Education Accrediting BoardOrganization for Online Learning Accreditation.
All private schools including online schools need to be accredited with a reputable accreditation agency. Nation is an accredited online school and they offer accredited high school diploma programs. You can always find out if a school is accredited or not from their website or admissions office.
If you are seeking an online GED or Online High School diploma, take our online high school courses or online GED test. ... Excel High School is a private, accredited, online high school serving grades 9-12 and adult high school
I would look online. You can do it through an online school program.
No, a school does not have to be accredited to offer online correspondence courses. However, if I were a student I would aim for a school that does, because it would look better on my transcript.
Bristol Elementary School is located in Bristol, Vermont.
One of the best accredited schools online is the University of Phoenix. However, you will need to check with the school to see what the accreditation standards are.
It depends on wheather or not the school is accredited or not. It doesn't matter wheather or not its online it only matters if its accredited which is the national standard.
The short answer to your question: yes, there are accredited online high school diploma programs. might be a good place to start your search.
No it is a fake, it's a scam, the accreditation is fake also. there is no school exist .