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Prague is the capital city of Czech Republic.

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Q: Is Prague in Slovakia or Czech Republic?
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What is the capital cities in czech republic and Slovakia?

Prague is the capital and largest city in the Czech Republic. Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia.

What are the capitals of the Czech Republic Slovakia and Hungary?

Capitals of Czech Republic is Prague; capital of Slovakia is Bratislava and capital of Hungary is Budapest.

What happened when Czechoslovakia divided in 93?

Czechoslovakia was divided into Czech Republic and Slovak Republic (Slovakia) in 1993. The capital of Czech Republic is Prague and the capital of Slovakia is Bratislava.

Is Prague in Czechoslovakia or in Czech republic?

Czechoslovakia is no longer a country. It was separated after WW2 into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Two different countries.

What countries border Prague?

Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is bordered by Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Poland.

Where is Prague located in the world?

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is a central European country which borders Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland. The population of Prague is approximately 1.2 million people.

Which country is Prague is the capital of?

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.

Is Prague a city or country?

Czech Republic

What european country has Prague as its capital?

Prague is the capital and largest city in the Czech Republic.

What are the capitals of the two countries that were once the nation of CzechoSlovakia?

Prague, Czech Republic. And Bratislavia, Slovakia.

Prague is to Czech Reublic as blank is to Ireland?

The answer you are looking for is Dublin, but there is some important things to note. Czechoslovakia no longer exists. When it did exist, Prague was its capital, as Dublin is Ireland's capital. What was Czechoslovakia is now two separate countries. They are the Czech Republic, whose capital is Prague and Slovakia, whose capital is Bratislava. So it is more correct to say that Prague is to the Czech Republic as Dublin is to Ireland.

What are the capitols of the two countries that were once the nation of Czechoslovakia?

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic & Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. Capital of Czechoslovakia was Prague, except the ending of WWII. Kosice, a city in eastern Czechoslovakia, became a temporary residence for Czechoslovak Government in January 1945, and later also for President of Czechoslovakia, until liberation of Prague in May 1945.