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The territory of Nunavut is bigger than the province of Quebec.

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Q: Is Nunavut bigger than Quebec
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Is Quebec or Nunavut bigger?

Nunavut is larger than Quebec.

How much bigger is Nunavut than Quebec?

Alaska is 586,412 square miles. Quebec is 595,391 square miles about 8,979 square miles bigger than Alaska. Those are numerical facts, not Alsaka "Has to be bigger" general answer I saw on another wikki answer, adding to misinformation on the internet.

Which area is bigger Quebec or Alaska?

Quebec is bigger. Quebec : 1 667 441 km2 Alaska : 1 518 800 km2 Not only is Quebec the biggest province in Canada, it is also bigger than any US State, Alaska being the largest US State.

What is one large province and territory in Canada?

Quebec is the largest province and Nunavut is the largest territory in Canada. The largest in all would be Nunavut because it is larger than Quebec.

How are Nunavut and quebec similar?

Quebec is in Canada, if that's what you're asking.

What bay is found between Quebec and Northwest Territories?

Before the NorthWest Territories was divided to create Nunavut, Hudson bay separated the territories from Quebec. Now the Bay sepatates Quebec and Nunavut.

Is Quebec bigger than British Columbia?

No, British Columbia is bigger than Quebec in terms of land area. British Columbia is the third largest province in Canada, while Quebec is the second largest.

Is Quebec bigger than Northwest Territories?


Which Canadian city is larger-Montreal or Quebec?

Montreal is much bigger than Quebec City

What provinces and territories are in the arctic lowlands?

Newfoundland Quebec ------ But mostly Nunavut. About 80% of the Arctic lowlands are located in Nunavut.

What borders Hudson Bay?

Quebec, Ontario, Nunavut and Manitoba.

Is quebec 7x bigger than France?

No, Quebec is not 7 times bigger than France. France is approximately 13 times larger in territory than Quebec. France covers an area of around 551,695 square kilometers, while Quebec covers around 1,542,056 square kilometers.