No, he lives in the United Kingdom.
Falkirk, Scotland, United Kingdom
The total distance from New York, NY to London, United Kingdom is 3,471 miles.
It depends on where you are domiciled now.
No. New York(the most famous one) is in the united states of America, whereas UK is short for (the) united kingdom, meaning England/Scotland/Ireland.
The air distance from Leeds, England, United Kingdom, to New York City, New York, United States of America, is 3,367 miles. That equals 5,418 kilometers or 2,926 nautical miles.
In the United States, most publishers are in the city of New York. In the United Kingdom, most of the publishers are in London.
New York export good to various markets. The top five markets where New York exports goods to are, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, Israel and Switzerland.
The flight distance from Bristol, United Kingdom to York, United Kingdom is: 185 miles / 298 km
The flight distance from Leeds, United Kingdom to York, United Kingdom is: 23 miles / 38 km
A nonstop flight from New York City, New York to Manchester, United Kingdom takes 6 hours 5 minutes. The flight distance is 3,346 miles.
The country code and area code of York, United Kingdom is 44, (0)1904.