

Best Answer

No. This is a fraud.

General Discussion

The basic answer is that all such people claiming to be in such camps are trying to defraud. Very few people in a refugee camp, if any, would have internet access. Especially to the extent that these people have. "Senegal", "Dakar", "refugee camp" and "girl" (always a girl, never a guy), are key words that tell you that it's a scam.

If you have you received an email from a person (especially a girl or man of the cloth) who claimed he/she is residing in a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal, I can assure you it's no such person exists. That person is a swindler.

There has been an "advance fee" scam going for awhile in which a person - most always a girl/woman - will strike up contact with someone, either as a pen pal or some other innocent encounter. Then, at a certain point, she'll let it drop that she could get a lot of money owed her, or even get out of the refugee camp, if only she had $X for this, that or the other.

There are several camps in Senegal and should you wish to donate any money it is highly recommended you do so through a recognized charity.

Use a Rational Attitude

Unfortunately, this is someone trying to scam you out of money. An internet search will turn up thousands of "hits" on the names used. Do not respond to these people in any way. Stop and think for a minute- you take your computer and internet service for granted. A refugee camp- which is trying to help people that are starving or dying of disease- would they be likely to have a computer, an internet service provider, etc that this young woman could use for email? And assuming that she did, why would she select you of all people - does she not know any foreigners from her diverse international connections who are likely to be much more trustworthy than you? If she was university educated, why does she make clear grammatical errors, like not typing "I" in upper-case? If she argues that she has limited time on the computer, how did she put together a mini-novela to email you?

She's a con lady. She'll promise a lot of dollars trick you into sending money to her. Don't, I repeat don't take any chances Ignore her at once.

In Depth Discussion of the Scam

The scam is an "advance fee" scam, or 419, in which you are asked to send money to assist some girl in distress, either in exchange for the promise of fabulous rates of repayment/reward, or perhaps the girl's undying "gratitude" that usually has romantic overtones to it.

Such can start out as a "penpal" relationship, and can take any form from business, to friendship, to promise of sexual liaison, but all involve you sending money first. Scam - move on scam hoodlum YES There is a "sweetheart scam" going on that involves a person, supposedly from a Dakar Senegal refugee camp, wishing a penpal, friend, encounter or whatnot, who then tries to get some kind of emotional tie with the person they are roping in.

Then they make the pitch for money, either to be able to escape and visit, or to gain access to some family or business funds that are being held up. Now you are supposed to help out - and they will let you suggest it - by sending some relatively small amount money to help out. By small amount, anywhere from fifty to five hundred bucks and up. Pretty much what they think the market will bear.

You send it, to help your buddy, penpal, or possible future wife, and then hear that more money is needed. And more. Till you wake up and realize that there are no funds being sought, just him or her seeking your funds. And they aren't coming over to be the love of your life.

Never send money overseas. And don't fall for this one. It's too darn old. It used to be called "The Spanish Prisoner", though now it's called the "sweetheart scam" or "419". There has been an "advance fee" scam going for awhile in which a person - most always a girl/woman - will strike up contact with someone, either as a pen pal or some other innocent encounter. Then, at a certain point, she'll let it drop that she could get a lot of money owed her, or even get out of the refugee camp, if only she had $X for this, that or the other.

There is sometimes the hint that she and the man she is playing could get together, and that there are romantic/sexual feelings involved.

The man sends the money, and - surprise - has nothing to show for it but an smaller bank account. Sometimes, the girl/woman might try and play him a bit more, and say that even more money is needed, but whether she does this or not, he will never get any money back, or meet her.

To Find Further Information

Go to this URL: "" to peruse Senegal UN refugee agency map.

Search "Africa(n) refugee camps" or go to this URL: "" and find your answer.

Also you can go to this URL: "" and find your unknown girl or report her as a scammer and inform others.

Example of a Spam Email of this Type

Dearest one,

How are you today together with your business and your family? I guess that everything is okay with you? Please bear with me as i will really like us to have a good and trust relationship in spite of anything because i have this feeling that you are the right person i have fasted and prayed for. I am more than happy to read your interesting mail reply to me today from the dating site and i believe this relationship will be built on love and trust as i have noticed that you are the kind of man i have fasted and prayed for since all this while, i believe that you are a trustworthy and caring person, that's what makes me to disclose my identity to you.

My name is [Insert Name Here], 25 years old, but like i said, age does not matter in real relationship, but love and cares matters most, am from Liberia in Monrovia ofWest Africa and presently i am residing here in the refugee camp Dakar Senegal as a result of the the killing of my family by the rebels last year. Please don't be discouraged for hearing this. I believe deep down inside me that you will never break my heart or let me down in anyway.

I am from the family of late [Insert Socialite]. My father was chairman managing director of [Company], in Monrovia the economy capital of my country, and he was also the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and father in a cold blood. It is only me that is alive now as i was in the school when this incident took place. This Refugee Camp is headed by a Reverend Father, i used his office computer to send you this e-mail but i only enter his office when he is less busy. I was in my second year in Applied Medicine in University of Monrovia before the death of my loved Parents. So i contacted you for a possible assistance.

My step mother was a very wicked woman and she intend to kill me since my father and my real biological mother is dead. Because she planned to take away all my late father's property and some other valuable things from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Parents. Meanwhile I wanted to escape way out of my country because I have seen what she is planning to do to me. I thereby plan to escape to Europe, but she hide my international passport and other valuable travelling documents, then i managed to made my way to nearby country Senegal where i am living now as a refugee. Luckily she did not found where I kept my fathers File which contains some important documents. I managed to escape with the documents which covers my father's deposited money of $3.5M. USD( Three million five hundred thousand US dollars). which he use my name as the next of kin. Meanwhile, I am still residing here as a refugee under the UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES, i am saddled with the problem of securing a trustworthy foreign personality to help me transfer the money from the bank pending my arrival in your country. I will like to see you face to face soon.

Furthermore, on your wish you can contact the bank for confirmation and you can communicate directly with them regarding this fund of my late father which was deposited in their custody. I am giving you this offer as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me retrieve the money from the bank and transfer it to your nominated account. I will like to further my studies on my arrive to your country, please try to help me to achieve this goal as i have a desire to become a famous personality in the nearest future.

I will be pleased if you can do this for me. You can reach me through this number [] It is a Reverend Fathers phone number, by name Reverend Father Steven Peter When you call, tell him that you want to speak with [Insert Name Here], i am staying in the female hostel. I have already inform him that some one will call me through his phone, so he will send for me from the hostel to come and speak with you. So please do not fail to call me,because I need to hear your voice too.

So on your which to help me out i will like to have your data such as:

(1) Your Full name

(2) Your address

(3) Your Country & city

(4) Telephone & Fax numbers

Immediately i receive this i will put things in action and give you the contact of the bank where my late father deposited the money for you to contact them on how to transfer the money to your nomination account. I attached my photo here for you to know my face and i hope you like me.

Bye and take a good care of yourself and have a nice day.

Yours sincerely

with love [Insert Name Here].

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9y ago

Think about this for a moment. In a refugee camp, there is typically a struggle for clean water to drink, and enough food to eat. With those limitations, HOW do you think this person would have an operating computer, and a link to the internet? As already said, this is a scam that targets gullible people. Delete the email, do not reply, move on.

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11y ago

It is a scam. If you get any e-mail asking you for money for a seemingly genuine charitable situation, it is a scam. Similar e-mails, using different people's names and that refugee camp name are being sent. Ignore that or any kind of e-mail asking you for money.

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12y ago

A lady named James?

I think I'm gonna go with "this is a big scam". Particularly if James wants you to send her money, or if she's claiming she wants to send you money (trust me, it'll turn into you sending her money long before you ever see a dime).

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12y ago

The basic answer is that all such people claiming to be in such camps are trying to defraud. Very few people in a refugee camp, if any, would have internet access. Especially to the extent that these people have.

If you have you received an email from a person (especially a girl or man of the cloth) who claimed he/she is residing in a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal, I can assure you it's no such person exists. That person is a swindler.

There has been an "advance fee" scam going for awhile in which a person - most always a girl/woman - will strike up contact with someone, either as a pen pal or some other innocent encounter. Then, at a certain point, she'll let it drop that she could get a lot of money owed her, or even get out of the refugee camp, if only she had $X for this, that or the other.

There are several camps in Senegal and should you wish to donate any money it is highly recommended you do so through a recognised charity.

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12y ago

The basic answer is that all such people claiming to be in such camps are trying to defraud. Very few people in a refugee camp, if any, would have internet access. Especially to the extent that these people have.

If you have you received an email from a person (especially a girl) who claimed he/she is residing in a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal, I can assure you it's a scam and there is no camp in Senegal. That person is a swindler.

There has been an "advance fee" scam going for awhile in which a person - most always a girl/woman - will strike up contact with someone, either as a pen pal or some other innocent encounter. Then, at a certain point, she'll let it drop that she could get a lot of money owed her, or even get out of the refugee camp, if only she had $X for this, that or the other.

There are several camps in Senegal and should you wish to donate any money it is highly recommended you do so through a recognised charity.

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11y ago

If you received an email from someone claiming to be in a refugee camp, and offering you a LOT of money to help them get money out of Africa- sorry- it is a scam. they are trying to defraud you. Do not respond to them in any fashion. Consider- in a refugee camp, devoted to preventing people from starving- how likely is it that a young woman would have access to a computer and internet access to allow her to send random emails to strangers?

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11y ago

Unfortunately, this is someone trying to scam you out of money. An internet search will turn up thousands of "hits" on the names used. Do not respond to these people in any way. Stop and think for a minute- you take your computer and internet service for granted. A refugee camp- which is trying to help people that are starving or dying of disease- would they be likely to have a computer, an internet service provider, etc that this young woman could use for email?

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9y ago

You are experiencing an attempted scam. There is no such person, and no such refugee camp. You'll receive beautiful, youthful photos by email, but it's only an attempt to squeeze money out of you.

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10y ago

No. That is a scam e-mail looking for money. Delete it and ignore any others like it that you have or get.

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Have you received an email from a person (specially a girl) who claimed he/she is residing in a refugee camp in Dakar, Senegal? It's a scam and there is no camp in Senegal. That person is a swindler.

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