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Mississippi was a Confederate state during the Civil War. On January 9, 1861 Mississippi became the second southern state to declare its secession from the United States of America. On February 4, 1861 it joined with six other southern states to form the Confederacy.

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Q: Is Mississippi a confedrate or union state?
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Was the state of Mississippi a union or confederate state?

Mississippi was a Confederate state

Was Mississippi a Union or Confederate state?

Mississippi is a confederate state

Is Mississippi a union or confederate state?

Mississippi was a Confederate state

What state was Mississippi admitted to the Union?

Mississippi became the 20th state admitted to the Union on December 10, 1817.

What number was Mississippi when it joined the union?

Mississippi became the 20th state admitted to the Union on December 10, 1817.

Was mississippi a union state or a conferderate state during the civil war?

Mississippi was a Confederate State.

What is the name of the 19th state admitted to the Union?

Mississippi was admitted into the Union on December 10, 1817 becoming the 20th state to join the Union.

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Mississippi was declared a state in the Union on December 10, 1817. It was the 2oth state admitted to the United States.

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Mississippi joined the Union on December 10, 1817 - as the 20th State

What is Mississippi's state?

Mississippi became the 20th state admitted to the Union on December 10, 1817.

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Mississippi does not have an official state fruit. Mississippi became the 20th state to join the Union on December 10, 1817.