The estimated population of Mississippi was 2,988,726 as of July 1, 2016 per U.S. Census Bureau. Mississippi has total area of 48,431 square miles which includes 46,923 square miles of land. Mississippi is the 32nd largest U.S. state based on population and the 31st largest U.S. state based on land area.
It is ranked #45.
Oklahoma is the 20th largest US State.
Total: 48,430 sq mi. The state is ranked 32nd in the US in terms of land size. Population is 2,938,618 ranked 31st in the US.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.47,692 square miles.
The state of Mississippi is the 32nd largest of the US states. (The Mississippi River is the longest single river in the US. The Jefferson-Missouri-Lower Mississippi combination is the longest combined flowing river, 4th longest in the world, although much of the western Missouri is not navigable.)
Louisiana ranks 31st in size.
It is ranked 3rd after the Mississippi and Mackenzie Rivers.
North Korea is about the size of the state of Mississippi in the United States.
It has the 25th largest population on the US.
South Carolina
It is ranked 20th.
Ohio is the 34th largest state.