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Yes. Just recently some states in Mexico elected new governors. Presidential elections will be held next year (2012).

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Q: Is Mexico in elections
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When is Mexico's next presidential elections?

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Who won the elections in Mexico 2006?

Felipe Calderon Hinojosa (term: 2006-2012) won such elections.

Why did Enrique Peña Nieto become president of Mexico?

He was elected as president of Mexico during the 2012 elections.

Did PRI lead Mexico?

Yes. From 1929 until the 2000 presidential elections, PRI was the leading party in Mexico.

Does Mexico have elections?

Yes. Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic, whereas the executive and legislative are elected during federal elections. As Mexico is a federal republic conformed by 31 states (just like the United States), it also has state and local elections, which are held for governor, state congress and municipal presidents, akin to city mayors or county executives in the U.S.

How did Mexico constitution different from that of the us?

Eligible voters are required by law to vote in elections.

How long did the institutional revolutionary party stay in power for so long?

By gaining control of Mexico's government. Also by being corrupt and fixing elections after comming into power.

When was Mexico's first free election?

Since 1823 when Mexico switched to a federal presidential representative republic. If you mean "free elections" without the interference of the Institutional Revolutionay Party (PRI), which held the presidency for almost 70 years, it was during the elections of the year 2000.

How often are presidential elections in Mexico held?

They are carried out each 6 years. The president can't be reelected.

During the elections in 1997an non pre canadate was elected to the powerful position of what in Mexico city?

mayor A + users

When did the PRI's dominance end in Mexico?

In 2000 when Vicente Fox, from the Partido AccionNacional (PAN) won the elections in that year.

During elections held in 1997 a non-PRI candidate was elected to the powerful position of of Mexico City.?
