i think Lithuania is a beautiful country as i have grow up in Lithuania and i have loved Lithuania since my first day alive so it is worth to go to Lithuania for a Holiday i promise and its not a poor country it is not in africe
Lithuania is a great country, it is right next to Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and Poland. I sould now because i actually lived there. Trust me its amazing in winter its pure cold and you can get the feeling that your like in Antarctica. However in summer its nice and warm because its like 40 degrees outside.
Lithuania is a country in Eastern Europe.
Lithuania is a considerably reasonable country with money.
No. Lithuania has almost no Muslims. It is a majority Roman Catholic country.
No, Lithuania is a member of EU, and its rather wealth country.
The country that has the initials LTU is Lithuania, a country located in the Baltic region of Europe.
Lithuania is a country with a capital city Vilnius.
This country is Lithuania.
Lithuania is a country of Europe near Baltic Sea.
A few facts about Lithuania are that the country is located in northern Europe. The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius.
Lithuanian is a developed country.
Lithuania's government had a good relationship with USA, so therefore USA 'asked' Russia to stop fighting against rebels in Lithuania. Russia 'agreed' because it didn't want to look like a bastard by invading small and weak country compared to Russia. Last attempt to invade Lithuania was on 1991 January 1, however, unsuccessful.
Poland and Lithuania are coutries themselves, not parts of another.