Leeds North West - UK Parliament constituency - was created in 1950.
Sheffield is in South Yorkshire which most people consider to be in the North.
Leeds does not have a seaport as it is inland. It does have an airport nearby
Leeds East - UK Parliament constituency - ended in 1918.
Leeds East - UK Parliament constituency - was created in 1885.
Leeds Travel provides real time travel information for in and around Leeds UK. It does not provide information for other areas in the UK or the world.
Leeds, UK to Aberdeen, UK 353 miles - about 6 hours 49 mins
240 miles taking this route:Take A62 (W) MANCHESTER, from Leeds, to M6(S) to BIRMINGHAM at J10, via M60 RING ROAD (N) around Manchester.Take M6 to M5 to The SOUTH WEST at J8 in Birmingham.Take M5 to M4 SOUTH WALES at J15.Take M4 to Cardiff.
Charles Leeds died in 1971, in Thanet, Kent, England, UK.
You cannot walk from Leeds, UK to Africa
Leeds-Bradford International Airport is at Yeadon, roughly 10 km north-west of LeedsLeeds-Bradford International Airport is at Yeadon, roughly 10 km north-west of Leeds