Neither, Las Vegas is located in Nevada.
New York City
Las Vegas is furthest from Manchester.
The fastest rollercoaster in Las Vegas is the New York, New York>
Approximately 2570 miles, which is the same as Miami distance to Las Vegas.
There are no cities with the same names but there are streets and boulevards with the same names. Such as Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas. New york City has the exact same thing.
Perth, Australia
It's actually New York, and then probably Las Vegas.
las vegas
las vegas or tokyo problably
New York, New York
Three hours -- NY is three hours later than Las Vegas, Nevada. If it is 3:00 PM in Las Vegas, it is 6:00 PM in New York City and all of the East Coast.New York is in the Eastern time zone (normally GMT -5) and Las Vegas is in the Pacific time zone (GMT -8).New York is three hours ahead.