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Q: Is Kittila in the Arctic Circle?
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Is Iceland north of the Arctic Circle?

It is south of the Arctic circle.

Is Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle passes through the Arctic Ocean.

Is the Arctic Circle called the polar?

A polar circle is either the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle.

Is the Arctic Circle in the Himalayas?

the Himalayas are south of the Arctic Circle

Is Hawaii closer to the axis or the arctic circle?

The Arctic Circle

Is Alaska near the arctic circle or the equator?

The arctic circle

Is the Arctic Circle melting?

No, the Arctic Circle is an imaginary line.

Where would you see a reindeer Arctic Circle or Antarctic Circle?

Reindeer are only found in the far north near the Arctic Circle.

Would you find a reindeer near the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle?

Arctic Circle

What is the vast region that stretches north of the Arctic Circle?

The region north of the Arctic Circle is known as the Arctic.

Which ocean is located north of 66.5N?

The Arctic Ocean is located north of 66.5°N latitude.

Where is the Arctic Circle on June 21?

The Arctic Circle does not move - it's always at N 66.5 degrees.