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Yes. Israel is a modern country with a secular government. However, there are religious parties in the government because religious Israeli Jews have created parties to service their interests in the State. There are some government ministries, especially those involved in family and life issues (such as marriage, divorce, death, etc.), which are traditionally maintained by the religious in Israel. Each religion (of the 12 recognized in Israel) will have its own courts and its own system of administering such laws. The majority of laws, including all of the Basic Laws, however, apply to all Israeli Citizens regardless of their religion.

Israel claims that its authority to govern is not from divine mandate, but rather from the legal basis provided by the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and UNGA Resolution 181. Israel's Basic Laws are approved by the Israeli Parliament with no consultation or pressure from religious institutions within Israel and the passage of all Israeli Laws is a transparent process. Israel is not a theocracy.

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