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Q: Is Iran the only country that has a theocracy today?
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Who has authority in the country of theocracy?

In ancient times, the theocracy was run by priests and/or a single dictator. Today, the only country in the wordl that comes close to a theocracy is Iran, which has a supreme leader and a president.

Which country does political power rest in the hands of religious leaders?

A theocracy is a form of government in which the leaders are selected by a form of religious hierarchy. There are only two theocracies in the world today: Iran and Vatican City.

What countries use theocracy today?

Many Muslim countries are governed by the principles of Islamic law, but only Iran is actually ruled by the Islamic clergy, and is therefore the only true theocracy. Afghanistan, when it was ruled by the Taliban, was also a theocracy, but now it is what might be described as a struggling democracy.

What country uses a theocracy government?

A theocracy is a government that is run by the dominant religious group and where only one official religion is allowed. In a theocracy, the laws are made based on that religion, and the religious leaders are also the political leaders (or have strong influence over the political leaders). A good example of a theocracy is Iran. Some people also believe Saudi Arabia is a theocracy, and so is the Vatican City.

Are all Islamic theocracies today Shi'ite rather than Sunni?

It depends on how you define theocracy. If it requires direct authority by clergy, then yes, the only theocracy today is Iran, which is a Shiite theocracy. However, if the term theocracy refers to any regime where religious clergy have an inordinate influence in shaping political policy, then many Islamic States like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, ISIL, Somalia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates are all Sunni theocracies.

What Country is Ruled by Theocracy?

The only uncontroversial answer to that is the Vatican City, but some may not regard it as a "Country" Iran is a theocracy, as is Saudi Arabia. While both have titular heads of state nothing is done without consent and approval of the religious leaders. Until the Taliban was removed from office, Afghanistan too was a theocracy. -fundamentals! The UK is also technically a theocracy as Anglicanism is the official religion of the government and the head of the church is the current monarch who is also the head of state technically

What countries used theocracy?

Many Muslim countries are governed by the principles of Islamic law, but only Iran is actually ruled by the Islamic clergy, and is therefore the only true theocracy. Afghanistan, when it was ruled by the Taliban, was also a theocracy, but now it is what might be described as a struggling democracy.

In which country does political power rest in the hands of religious leaders?

Iran is a country where political power rests in the hands of religious leaders, specifically Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who holds the ultimate authority. The country's constitution establishes a unique system of government known as an Islamic Republic, where clerics play a dominant role in the governance.

Which country has 0098?

its only iran

What is a difference between a monarchy and a theocracy?

Theocracy is a small group of religious people that rules the state or country; and Monarchy is where only 1 person rules, which is the king!

Does the constitution limit the power of the government in Iran?

The government of Iran is dominated by Islamic laws and by Islamic leaders who have a large influence in the secular parts of Iran's government. The government is often referred to as a republic -theocracy. Only Islamic law limits the power of government.

The country bordering turkey and iran?

Iraq is the only country that shares these borders.