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Isaiah Mohr

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Q: Is Holland part of the Netherlands's?
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Is Holland in Belginm?

No, Holland is part of The Netherlands.

Is Holland is a part of US?

No Holland is not part of the U.S.A but a part of the E.U.

What continent is Holland in?

Holland (a part of the Netherlands) is located in the continent of Europe.

Is Holland considered part of Netherlands?

Yes, Holland is a region in the Netherlands. However, the Netherlands is made up of twelve provinces, including North Holland and South Holland. So while Holland is part of the Netherlands, the two terms are not synonymous.

What continent is Holland a part of?

There is a South Holland and a North Holland province in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is in Europe.Holland is a province (actually two provinces) of the Netherlands, a country located in Europe (the Netherlands itself is sometimes also referred to as Holland).

Is Rotterdam in Holland or in the Netherlands?

Rotterdam is a city in South Holland. But since Holland is a part of The Netherlands, both answers are correct.

Where did the pilgrims part from on there way?


What is Holland as an adjective?

Holland is a part of The Netherlands, and is historically used for the country as a whole. The adjective and demonym for both Holland and the Netherlands is Dutch.

Holland or the Netherlands?

holland is only a part of the Netherlands its like saying England you know its only a part of the county :D

What is the name of the western part of the Netherlands?

The western part of the Netherlands is often referred to as Holland. Holland actually exists out of two provinces, North and South Holland. People often refer to the Netherlands as Holland, which is ofcourse not right, it's just 2 out of the 12 provinces.

Is Holland the same as the nedtherlands?

Some people consider it as the same, but actually, Holland is just a part of the Netherlands.

Is holland in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands and of Noord Holland (a province in the Netherlands). The Netherlands is often mistakenly called Holland, as Holland is in fact just a region of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is in that part of the Netherlands. -Haarlem is the capital of the province of Noord- Holland.