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No, by the egyptians.

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A system of picture writing used by ancient egyptians?

The ancient Egyptians used a form of picture writing known as hieroglyphics.

What is the word for Egyptian writing where pictorial symbols were used?

they are called called hieroglyphics.

Is hieroglyphics and cuneiform the same thing?

No, hieroglyphics and cuneiform are not the same thing. Hieroglyphics is the writing system used by ancient Egyptians, characterized by pictorial symbols, while cuneiform is the writing system used by ancient Mesopotamians, characterized by wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.

The egyptians had a unique system of writing it contained over 2000 character this writing system is usually referred to as?

The system of writing that contained over 2000 characters that was unique to the Egyptians is referred to as hieroglyphics. The Egyptians even had a form of hieroglyphs, that are similar in function to our cursive writing, that were used for religious ceremonies.

What were hieroglyphs first used for?

AnswerBy the ancient Egyptians as a writing system and it was never used for anything before that

How did the Egyptians writing system compare with mesopotamian systems?

Egypt used hieroglyphics, Mesopotamia used cuneiform

Egypt has what form of writing?

Egyptians only used hieroglyphics when there writing needed to look good. Normal people used a much simpler writing system.

What is a system of writing that uses picture-like symbols?

Early people often used a writing system that uses pictures to indicate words. This system is called hieroglyphics. Sketches are found in stone and inside cave walls.

How do yo use hieroglyphics in a sentence?

Hieroglyphics was the system of picture writing used by the ancient Egyptians. An example of this word used in a sentence would be, "The ancient Egyptians kept excellent records of their society via the use of scribes who used hieroglyphics."

What are two different Egyptian writing systems?

The first one is the own system of writing is called HIEROGLYPHICS!! And scribes painstakingly carved the HIEROGLYPHICS onto the walls of caves.......and they used papyrus as paper!

How were cuneiform different to hieroglyphics?

Cuneiform was a writing system used in ancient Mesopotamia using wedge-shaped characters on clay tablets, while hieroglyphics were a writing system used in ancient Egypt using pictorial symbols. Cuneiform was written on clay tablets and hieroglyphics on stone, papyrus, or other surfaces. Cuneiform consisted of hundreds of characters, while hieroglyphics had thousands of symbols.

The names of the picture writing used by ancient Egyptians?
