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No. Helsinki is the capital of Finland, a country in North Europe. Japan is a country in Asia.

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9y ago

No. Helsinki is the capital city of Finland.

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How many KM is Finland from the UK?

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What is the Swedish name for Helsinki?

Helsinki? Helsinki is English, it is also Swedish. Helsinki is just Swedish. Swedish: Helsinki.

What is the capital of Helsinki?

Helsinki is a city not a country. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. So, therefore, there is not a capital of Helsinki.

What is the capital all of Finland?

The capital of Finland is Helsinki, or Helsingfors in Swedish, Finland's second national language.Helsinki

What are famous physical features in Finland?

Church On The Rocks - Helsinki Finlandia Hall - Helsinki Helsinki Cathedral - Helsinki Helsinki Opera House - Helsinki Helsinki University Botanical Garden - Helsinki Helsinki University Library - Helsinki Helsinki University Library - Helsinki Kauppatori Market - Helsinki Sibelius Monument - Helsinki Sonoma House - Helsinki Uspenski Cathedral - Helsinki and more. if you are reading this... you are the laziet person on the earth!!

What is Helsinki in Finnish?

It is also "Helsinki" in Finnish.

What countryis Helsinki?

Helsinki is the Capitol of Finland

Is Helsinki in Denmark?

No. Helsinki is the capital of Finland.

When was Helsinki created?

Helsinki was created in 1550.

Is Helsinki a city or a country?

Helsinki is located in Finland, Europe.

Which has a higher elevation Helsinki or Sofia?

Sofia, Bulgaria has a higher elevation than Helsinki, Finland.