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Great Britain is actually the name of the island on which the United Kingdom is situated. However, since the full name of the country is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the term is also used to refer to the whole country.

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11y ago

Great Britain is an island, one of the two large islands which - together with over 1000 small islands - make up The British Isles.

The other large island is the island of Ireland and here's where it gets confusing:

Great Britain is divided into three parts England, Scotland and Wales.

The island of Ireland is divided into two parts The Republic of Ireland (officially called Éire or Ireland) and Northern Ireland.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland plus most of the small islands make up The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

This is often abbreviated to "The United Kingdom" or "The UK."

The British Olympic team often calls itself "Team GB" although it includes athletes from Northern Ireland the Term "GB" (short for Great Britain) does not.

Many people say "England" when they really mean "The United Kingdom" - the most common manifestation of this is calling Queen Elizabeth II The Queen of England. She has never had that title and there has not been a Queen (or King) of England for over 300 years.

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11y ago

If you want to get technical, the United Kingdom would be neither. It is a state comprised of several nations (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). It is sometimes described as a nation state, but a more accurate description would be a 'multinational state'.

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