Fremantle is in the state of Western Australia.
Fremantle Cemetery, Corner of Carrington Street and Fremantle, Western Australia
The air distance within Australia from Fremantle to Sydney, Australia is 2,054 miles. That equals 3,306 kilometers or 1,785 nautical miles.
No: Perth is the capital city of Western Australia. Fremantle is the port city which is located south of Perth, and was the first settlement in Western Australia.
The road distance between Fremantle and Rockingham, Western Australia, is about 30 kilometres.
The distance between Perth and Fremantle in Western Australia is 11.37 miles if you travel via Stirling Hwy and the journey should take approximately 31 minutes.
Perth is the capital of Western Australia. The closest capital to this city is Adelaide, capital of South Australia.
The complete address of The Meeting Place is 245 South Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160 Australia. It is open on weekdays from 9:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the evening.
The only remaining convict colony in Australia by the end of 1853 was Fremantle, in Western Australia.
Vincent Lovegrove was born in March 1948, in Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia.
If you are referring to the AFL football team known as the Fremantle Dockers, they are based at Fremantle, Western Australia, which is a south-western suburb of Perth