

Is Estonia Germany

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Estonia is not a part of Germany, Estonia is an independent country.

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The European countries that border the Baltic Sea are: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Denmark.Of those, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Estonia are considered Eastern European. Germany is considered Western or Central European. Denmark, Sweden, and Finland are considered Scandinavian.

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If You consider about 2000km with car near, then "Yes"

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Was Estonia ever a part of a another country?

Yes. All or parts of Estonia have in the past been ruled by Denmark, Livonia (Poland/Lithuania), Sweden, Russia, and Germany. Most recently, Estonia was a part of the USSR between 1940 and 1991. Before that, Estonia had been a fully independent country only in the period 1920-1939.

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